Monday, April 18, 2011

How I got here!

There are some things I had to dig up about myself in order to answer a this question. My birth is something that my family never really talked about. I knew what date I was born, what time, and where, however I never knew the whole story for the longest time. I was born in the Sayre Memorial Hospital, at 11:25pm on Friday, September 8, to Diana and Phil Gordon. I was their first. I was born 5 weeks and 4 days early. I did not have hair, finger nails, eye lashes, or eye brows. I also happened to be born at shift change, lucky me. One funny thing about my birth, is my father getting to town for my arrival. He was working in a field, plowing. The man he worked for came running to the field to tell him he had better get to town. With this my father panicked and was a nervous wreck all the way to town. After he got to the hospital, he was okay. Him and my Tata (Grandfather Chris) were in the break room drinking coffee, when I was born, all that rushing just to drink coffee. It was amusing how I received my name, my dad, just gave it to me, and my mother was slightly unhappy for awhile, but I think she got over it.

I don’t recall much from this era of my life. I do remember a few stories that my family likes to tell. I was a curious little child that liked to wander. One time when I was about 2 or 3, I was on the front porch with my mom and dad, and I ate a moth. My mother was sickened, my father was worried, but I turned out fine, I suppose. Another story my mother likes to tell is that I was always the good child and my brother was the cantankerous child. I guess what I mean is I was more content and he more obnoxious. My brother had three people in the entire family that he would go to without screaming, my Granddad Don, my Uncle Delton (JR), and my mom. This posed a problem when my parents wanted to take a break, he would not let my mom out of his sight. My mother did not work while I was younger. She thought it was her duty to stay home and tend to the family. I think this is why my brother and I have a good personality and overall a good perception of who we are.

Stick with me for a few weeks as we go down memory lane. Next up...All my Ex's!

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