Saturday, April 30, 2011

Third Grade pt 2 - Life Lesson Let Her Win

Annie...I often wonder if anyone else thinks back to their first car date. It was special, who else took their mom with them on their first date? She was our chauffeur. We drove around in the light blue Buick after Annie was dropped off at my house. We then headed to Gary Don's Pizza Parlor, which had absolutely the best pizza I have ever eaten...wish it was still in operation.

When we got to the pizza place, Annie and I sat at a booth, while my mom and brother and her mom and brother sat at a table. It was an extremely romantic meal of pepperoni pizza and cokes. I'm not sure what we talked about, because I was mesmerized by her beauty (this kind of stuff still happens today, if I am talking to you and lose my train of thought, it's because you are beautiful). Soon we finished out meal, got made fun of my Gary Don, and headed off to the rest of our date.

When we got back to my house we plopped down on the couch and watched Ghostbusters. Mom brought us some popcorn and kool-aid and we enjoyed the movie (and my annoying little brother). Soon after the movie ended boredom set in. She suggested we play a game called, "who has the boneist butt." Now, this was an innocent game, where one person sat on the other's lap and the wiggled their butt into the other's legs. Whoever could stand it the least, was the looser and the other person was deemed boneist butt. Now looking back, this game could be taken out of context. This purely was innocent, I swear. I went first and she timed me. Then I went. I knew I liked this girl, so I let her win. I mean come on...isn't that what you're supposed to do?

On the ride home I remember talking about her hairy legs. I was fascinated, because I had no hair on my legs (I still don't have hairy legs). She told me that her mom wouldn't let her shave her legs until she was older (I had no clue women shaved their legs at this point). We made it to her house and I walked her to her door. I was (and still am) a big gentleman, I gave her a big hug (I don't kiss on the first date, gotta keep them wanting more, duh) and said good night. It was an amazing day with the girl of my dreams; dinner, movie, games, and a goodnight hug.

It still makes for a great date these days. Good pizza, great classic movie, conversation, and a goodnight hug. It's strange how constant some things stay in life.

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