Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Second Grade - Life Lesson Attitude is Sexy

Second grade was a huge jump for me socially. I thoroughly enjoyed it and loathed it at the same time. This was a tumultuous time on the play ground for me. I of course chased the girls, until they would pack up and then chase me. I would have a gaggle of girls chasing me by the end of recess. I remember the leader of the pack, Mindy. She was a cute girl with some attitude. Actually, she still has that same attitude, which is and has been a sexy trait that I have been attracted to.

So as recess would go, I would usually spend the first half chasing the girls, playing on the monkey bars, and maybe swinging for a bit. This day is clear in my mind like it happened yesterday. I recall this all the time and brings a great big smile to my face. I had upset the balance and the girls decided they would gang up on me. Mindy was the leader of the pack and they had cornered me between them and the brand new slide. I told them they had better stop, or I was going to do something drastic. This of course didn't stop them. I told them, don't take another step, or it would be bad news. They called my bluff. I picked up a patch of dried concrete next to the new slide and said..."If you take one more step, Mindy gets it." She took one step forward, and I threw the rock on her toes. Sure did, true story! She of course was angry. She went and told our teacher, who had it out for me. I still remember though. I got a talking to, no paddle, not even the principal. I am sure, I weaseled my way out of it. I did have a reputation of telling the truth.

Another story I like to tell about second grade, is going to the restroom. First of all, we had restrooms in our classroom. We actually shared with the class next door. I remember there were two toilets in these restrooms, and they faced each other. So you always had a pooping partner. We were in the second grade and never thought much about it. I remember my pooping partner one time was a girl name Jessie. I have no clue how we ended up in the bathroom together. If we snuck in or if we were assigned. I really haven't a clue. I do know, I had a super crush on Jessie. I flirted with her a lot, and I used my superior intellect show off in class. I don't think she realized it was all for her, but it was.

Back to Mindy. I had a huge crush on her, but she was always mean to me. I am sure it had something to do with throwing the rock on her foot. I also shoved her off of my well house at my 8th birthday party. She wouldn't jump. What was I gonna do. I broke her Jellies. Not sure if you remember these shoes, but they were the bomb dot com back in the day. She didn't speak to me for a while, but we are still good friends today.

I will say, I suppose I always had a super crush on her. I love the way she carries herself and the fact that she could beat me up. It was her confidence and attitude that was so sexy. I never realized that until recently. I didn't get it in second grade. I get it now. Confidence is a smokin' hot trait.

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